Pine Barren Man

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Some Thoughts About Drinking.

I had a moment last night. I put the bourbon pictured below to good use, as a photograph and well.. you know. I was having a tough time making a photograph that would best represent January 27th, 2017. I didn't want that photo to be the one for the day at first. I thought it was easy and somewhat boring. Sometimes you have to relax, step away from the computer. You have to let your mind wander away (have a glass of whiskey) from photography for a bit... I came back to the computer a few hours later and processed that image into something I'm very proud of. That amber color is perfect.

It is our job as photographers to separate our emotions from our photographs, to present a scene so that the viewer can develop their own emotions.

Reflecting on last night, I've learned that you have to keep going. I may not like something at first so sometimes I have to walk away and clear my head for a little while. To do great work I have to put some thought into it, even if that means thinking about something else for a while. I cant let my emotions get the best of me. It is our job as photographers to separate our emotions from our photographs. I do this because it is my responsibility to present a scene so that the viewer can develop their own emotions. Without mine interfering.

Im currently making one photograph a day for 2017. I urge you to follow along on my Instagram. Witty writing included!